Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Statist of the Union

     I must admit the outfit suits the man.   Had he only been born in another place and time.  OOPS, well maybe he was born in another place.  It doesn't matter he was going to end up right where he is, in the greatest, freest, most generous nation the world has ever known.  Too bad he doesn't recognize greatness in anything but himself.  That's why he was able to deliver a speech filled with platitudes and fiction as if it were credible.  A master of deception doesn't worry about facts.  What are facts?  Just a mere reminder of reality.  Who needs such nonsense when Barack Obama creates his own reality, Obama's virtual reality.
     Daniel Greenfield gives a detailed account of the dishonesty that was on display in the SOU last nite.  His interpretation is an accurate read on just how misleading Obama's statements are.  Read more at

Famed Investor Trashes State of the Union Address: Makes You Wonder Whether Obama Is ‘Delusional’ Or ‘Lying’

Noted investor, free market advocate, and author Jim Rogers during an interview with Glenn Beck on Wednesday said that Tuesday’s State of the Union address makes you wonder whether President Barack Obama is “delusional” or just a good liar.

Our “debt is psychically impossible to pay off,” Rogers said after Beck asked whether the country has passed the point of no return. “We are the largest debtor nation in the history of the world.”
“If everybody paid 100 percent of their earnings as taxes, we still couldn’t pay it off,” he added.
The famed investor then turned his attention to the president’s statement last night that our economy is getting stronger.
“Mr. Obama said last night that everything is great,” Rogers said, much to Beck’s amusement. He added: “He said that everything is great and that the middle class is on the way back and everything is fine now.”
“I mean, the man is delusional. I was really afraid when I saw that,” he continued on a more serious note. “It’s delusional. It was frightening.”
“I don’t know if he believed it or if he was just lying,” Rogers added.