God Bless America, Land that I love, with her imperfections....Stand beside her and guide her through the night with the light from above, please never forsake her....From the mountains to the prairies, to the oceans white with foam, she is and ever will be vast and unsurpassed in her grandeur.... God always bless America, through the turbulence....Our Home Sweet Home.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
A long awaited development, a Federal judge ruled the individual mandate of the federal healthcare law, UNCONSTITUTIONAL
Thanks to Ken Cucccinelli and his amazing team we are 1 step closer to invalidating Obamacare and its author. If you believe in this fight and how important it is to preserving individual liberty, you need to support Ken. See Ken's website and more on the Healthcare ruling.
Friday, November 5, 2010
President Obama On ’60 Minutes’: ‘Leadership Isn’t Just Legislation’
November 5, 2010 9:56 AM
From Steve
NEW YORK (CBS) — After a suffering a “shellacking” in the midterm elections, President Obama acknowledges what many have seen as his chief weakness – failing to sell the importance of several legislative milestones to the American people.
“I think that’s a fair argument. I think that, over the course of two years we were so busy and so focused on getting a bunch of stuff done that, we stopped paying attention to the fact that leadership isn’t just legislation. That it’s a matter of persuading people. And giving them confidence and bringing them together. And setting a tone,” Mr. Obama told 60 Minutes’ Steve Kroft in an exclusive interview set to air Sunday.
Let me translate the Obamaisms:
For once he's right, Leadership isn't about him as leader or his legislation or his idealogical whims, and it certainly is not about him giving us confidence. Many of us possessed all the confidence we needed to stop his out of control leadership and we are confident, with a majority in the House and greater representation in the Senate we will reverse his policies and his idealogical agenda. Hats off to our Intelligent, Confident Electorate for recognizing a narcissist for what he is, a man who claims, "We are the ones we've been waiting for."
Monday, November 1, 2010
An Historic Day in America
I have been at work for over a year now, with a very specific goal of educating my circle of family and friends and community, of the overreaching policies of the current administration. Myself and so many other patriotic Americans found ourselves drawn to a cause that was greater than ourselves. Mothers, fathers, grandparents, sisters, brothers, young and old, knew that our way of life was under a new kind of attack, an attack from within, with a plan to transform and dismantle America as we know it.
It's as simple as that, but complicated to the everyday person to conceive, that there are forces at work and blueprints being drawn that will have the inevitable result of a more dependent, less free nation. That's not the country we want to turn over to our children and grandchildren. Which leads me to why I became involved in local politics. I began to see the wisdom of the saying, "All politics is local." We must start with our local communities, towns, cities and states to start to effect change. And many Long Island residents have been doing exactly that! We will begin tomorrow by electing candidates who believe in less government and who embrace policies that guarantee a return to fiscal health, job growth and the power of the individual.
These candidates embrace this philosophy.
Republican Candidate for 4th Congressional District, Fran Becker
Republican Candidate for 2nd Congressional District, John Gomez
Republican Candidate for the 5th Congressional District, Dr. James Milano
Republican Candidate for Governor, Carl Paladino.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
NPR Fires Analyst for Saying Muslims Make Him Nervous
NPR has fired longtime news analyst Juan Williamshttp://www.aolnews.com/nation/article/npr-fires-analyst-juan-williams-for-saying-muslims-make-him-nervous/19683232?icid=main|main|dl1|sec1_lnk1|179132 Click for rest of story
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
According to Politics Daily Rubio is leading both Crist and Meek in the Florida Senate race.
Rubio leads with 40 percent to 28 percent for Crist and 23 percent for Meek. The margin of error is 4 points.
Video of the Day: Obama’s Aunt Whines, on Welfare
September 25th, 2010Tags: Auntie Zeituni, Barack Obama
Posted in videos | Comments (3)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
"Pledge to America"
House Republicans reveal the final draft of their legislative agenda for the next Congress to CBS NEWS, today. They will formally unveil their "Pledge to America" Thursday morning at a Virginia hardware store as reported by CBS News.
It continues: "With this document, we pledge to dedicate ourselves to the task of reconnecting our highest aspirations to the permanent truths of our founding by keeping faith with the values our nation was founded on, the principles we stand for, and the priorities of our people. This is our "Pledge to America."
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
You might say that the competing forces of complacency and awakening are always occurring throughout the history of a nation . To some degree that is true, but never has our nation been so complacent as to not recognize the fraud so skillfully perpetrated on them. While we were asleep for decades, destructive forces were at work with few significant voices of opposition. Liberal voices in government, in the media, in academia, and in entertainment were influencing the dialogue and conscience of the people. Over the years these voices promoted the dissolution of America, her standing in the world and her grandeur as the beacon of freedom and they infected every aspect of American life. They succeeded in their most diabolical act when they collaborated to have the most inexperienced, dishonest and emotionally vacant individual elected to the presidency, an office till now, reserved for competent and intellectually honest individuals.
Which brings me back to Glenn Beck. Thank You, Glenn, for awakening many from their slumber and for providing a venue for people like myself to hear the truth and to support you for being brave enough to advocate for truth and honesty. We are no longer the silent majority, but a majority that has found our voice through various mediums; Tea Party Rallys, Town Hall meetings, discussion groups in our homes and political blogs. We are grateful for your steadfast approach to tackling the issues that plague our country. We admire your commitment to rejuvenate the spiritual component that precipitated the founding of our nation and we share your belief that our faith is just as important today.
Your delivery was superb, your message was clear and the audience responded with astounding approval. We knew we attended this event for a special reason and we knew we would leave energized and with the urgency needed to save our nation. We experienced once again all that is great about America as we did 1 year ago on the lawn of the Capitol at the 9-12 March. Your event couldn't have been staged more appropriately, in line with the glistening beauty of the Reflecting Pool. Your eloquent performance, Sara Palin's espousing of love of country, the bravest of the brave servicemen evoking pride and appreciation, the Ministers profession of faith, all reflected the character of the people in the crowd and the strength of their convictions. As a regular person and a participant in the Restoring Honor Event I am proud to say I was there and lucky to be able to share it with others. Glenn, you had a vision of something extraordinary, and your vision was fulfilled. The day's events reflected the American people's resolve to act when our country calls, to prepare the way for a renewal of American ideals of faith, hope and charity and to restore the honor and integrity that made our Country great.
Thank You, again, for being the spokesman that you are and for gathering us in one place to show the commitment and love of country shared by hundreds of thousands of Great Americans like yourself.
Enjoy the videos of some of Glenn's presentation and the sights of Washington
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
NYC Community Board 1 Meeting
May, 2010
Ground Zero Mosque
Why You Must Protest this Mosque
Not sure how you feel about the Ground Zero Mosque?
Let me help you decide. I'll take you for an inside look at exactly who was there, what was said, how moving the stories and pleas from the 911 families were. The most disturbing thing was how the Board stuctured the format of the meeting. The board started the meeting with a tone that painted all those who oppose the mosque as racists.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Fellow Americans,
How do you feel about a Mega Mosque being built 2 blocks from the site of the WTC Attack? I thought you might be offended by it, as I was. I'm sure you've heard some coverage on the topic. If you're wondering what you can do to stop the desecration of the final resting place of fellow Americans, you can express your opposition to this on June 6 at 12, noon at a protest hosted by SIOA at Ground Zero. Please show up and let our numbers be the force that puts an end to this inconceivable proposal.
Here is some of the latest info on the topic (video) Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf ramps up his taqiyya rhetoric.... neveragain911 | May 15, 2010 at 8:26 pm | | URL: http://wp.me/pKp4K-5x |
Fox News reports on plans for the Ground Zero mosque by the Cordoba Initiative. " Rauf in this new video has stepped up his taqiyya rhetoric. Rauf says, "This project is about condemning terrorism." (the outrage grows!)
More can be found at Fox News>>
Regarding the financing of the Cordoba Initiative: "... questions about the financing. [SNIP] Imam Rauf, who's also the founder of American Society for Muslim Advancement, ASMA, was an investor in that transaction. The balance of the $100-150 million total cost still needs to be raised, but Rauf says he's confident it will be. Jasser says that with such a financial commitment, there needs to be full disclosure about where the money is coming from.
"There should be transparency about who those investors are," he said, " whether that money is coming from domestic interest or not and if it's coming from foreign interests we need to know because I think that's a liability and it shows that there is another agenda rather than domestic security and tranquility."
Rauf says of their intent .... "[T]his is where we can amplify the voice of the moderates," he says. "We have been condemning terrorism since 9/11; our voices have not been heard." [SNIP] Burlingame says, "The idea that you would establish a religious institution that embraces the very Shariah Law that terrorists point to as their justification for what they did ... to build that where almost 3,000 people died, that is an obscenity to me. Burlingame said she plans to attend a meeting next week of the full Community Board One. She and other groups are ramping up their opposition to the project and promise to wage a long fight to defeat it."
Dhimmitude awaits us all if we allow these lies to go unchallenged.
MAY 25, 2010 at 6 PM - Community Board #1 will meet again...
Friday, March 26, 2010
Obama snubbed Netanyahu for dinner with Michelle and the girls, Israelis claim
Benjamin Netanyahu was left to stew in a White House meeting room for over an hour after President Barack Obama abruptly walked out of tense talks to have supper with his family, it emerged on Thursday.
Reported by Adrian Bloomfield in Jerusalemcomplete article at www.telegraph.co.uk
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
ProjectShiningCity has shared a video with you on YouTube:
Rep. Massa Alleges Emanuel Forced Resignation Over Healthcare Vote
Massa was one of 39 Democrats who voted against an earlier House version of the healthcare bill in November. Democratic leaders will "stop at nothing" to advance the healthcare overhaul, he said.
Please read the rest of this NewsMax article to understand how the administration operates when they want Democrats to walk the party line.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Does the man have any sense of what it means to be a citizen of the greatest country in the history of the world? I know the answer to that question and so do a growing number of Americans who have become tired of the same old lines that lead to the same old incongruous arguments and recommendations. Some people have just started to get your number Obama, we got you at "I've known Rev. Wright for almost 20 years." "I denounced the comments that appeared in those previous sermons, as I said I had not heard them before." You sat there 20 years and those things were said and you heard them! Maybe it's that selective hearing you have Obama, like not hearing the American people at town hall meetings, not hearing the voice of the electorate in the historic mandate in Massachusetts, and ignoring the persistent voice of the people as it echoes in the halls of congress. The people have spoken. We DON'T want your Anti-American agenda. You can humble yourself and hear the words that ring loud and clear from the American people or you can use your selective hearing, making our words meaningless and Obama, omnipotent. It's funny how a man who understands the importance of words, so much so, that in a 2008 Campaign speech in Wisconsin he said, "Don't tell me words don't matter!", has the audacity to render words meaningless when they don't promote his socialist, anti-free market agenda. Isn't that how all dictators operate?
You are so predictable in your actions that it would be funny, if it wasn't our country you were destroying. It is your objective to undermine the greatness of American ingenuity and productivity as spelled out in your attempt to surrender U.S. control of our greatest 20th Century advancement, the Internet. Please read Obama Surrendering Internet to Foreign Powers at NewsMax.com. Why is it that every chance you get to celebrate America's greatness , you use the opportunity to admonish America? This has to stop! If you learn to love your country you will be more inclined to listen to the people and not be so brazen in your disregard for public opinion. Just yesterday, Feb 1, Obama stated in "The You Tube Interview with President Obama" at youtube.com that he is pursuing Healthcare legislation and that they are at the 5 yd line for passage, as if he had the votes to do it. This is more Obama arrogance and a disconnect to the people he serves. He insulted the interviewer with irrelevant gibberish about being the most transparent White House since the founding of the republic, in reply to, " Why haven't you (Obama) fulfilled your Campaign promise of having a transparent Healthcare debate?" He continued that the congressional hearings were televised. They always are and will be after Obama. He had nothing to do with that. Then he casually acknowledged that the meetings he had with legislators were not on Cspan and avoids admitting that the most important negotiations that would have serious impact on the people, those with Big Pharma, Insurance companies, Medical Professionals and Unions were kept secret.
It's not surprising that Obama is using his charm to appeal to younger, more impressionable audiences. After all who is more vulnerable to the likes of Obama. He projects a youthfulness and uses it to relate to young adults as he did when he was a community organizer. He uses the jargon, along with the community service theme and his commitment to their future (which is tied to mandatory service) to impress them and draw them in. It's similar to his Campaign and the soaring rhetoric that dazzled the masses. Youtube is a perfect medium to establish a bridge to our young, as revealed in the interview cited above. But Obama doesn't stop there. His latest ploy is recruiting high school kids in Ohio to get involved in Organizing for America, a propaganda tool of the Obama Administration.This kind of activity is Un-American and should be reported openly by the main stream media. This is unacceptable indoctrination of our youth and should be brought to the public's attention.
Here is the info as reported on Atlas Shrugs website
An Atlas reader, Chuck, has a student in the eleventh grade in an Ohio High School. Her government class passed out this propaganda recruiting paper so students could sign up as interns for Obama's Organizing for America (OFA is the former mybarackobama.com site.)
Obama is using our public school system to recruit for his Alinsky-inspired private army. Organizing for America is (and I quote) recruiting in our high schools to "build on the movement that elected President Obama by empowering students across the country to help us bring about our agenda" ............of national socialism.
The Ohio High School is Perry Local in Massillon, Ohio.
This is incredible. And evil. Suffer the little children -- enlisted like SS youth. This is no accident. Obama is poisoning our public school system. He acts as if it's his own private breeding farm. Once again academic learning and achievement is hopelessly abandoned, and supplanted by radical leftist activism from the leftwing Alinsky indoctrinators in the perverse public school system.
Children must be advised to expose this ugly propaganda. Children must tell their parents how they are being used and manipulated. Parents, warn your kids. Better yet, home school.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Brown Wins Massachusetts Senate Seat, Potentially Upending Obama Agenda
BOSTON—A little-known Republican shook up the balance of power in Washington by winning a U.S. Senate seat in Massachusetts, a result that imperils President Barack Obama's top legislative priorities and augurs trouble for his party in this year's elections.
With 75% of the vote counted, Republican Scott Brown was leading his opponent, Massachusetts' Democratic Attorney General Martha Coakley 52.7% to 46.3%, according to the Associated Press, which declared Mr. Brown the winner.
The Brown victory forces the White House and congressional leaders to decide how—or whether—to salvage their long-sought health-care overhaul. Rushing the bill after losing Massachusetts carries political risks. So does letting it collapse.
The News Hub takes a look at a special election that threatens to tip the Senate's balance of power and undermine President Barack Obama's policy agenda. MarketWatch's Robert Powell reports from Massachusetts with more.
House Democrats Tuesday opened the door to passing the Senate version of the legislation, which the president could then sign into law. The White House has floated that idea, but it will be a hard sell. The Senate bill contains abortion, immigration and tax provisions opposed by many House members.
Anticipating rough sledding for the bill, the S&P health-care sector stock index surged by more than 2% Tuesday, leading all other industry sectors, with managed-care stocks posting strong gains.
Inside the Park Plaza hotel in Boston, thousands packed the second-floor ballroom. Waiting for Mr. Brown to appear, the crowd chanted, "John Kerry's next, John Kerry's next." Later the chant went up, "Yes we did, Yes we did," a tweak at Mr. Obama's 2008 signature line.