Sunday, September 27, 2009

Obama Seeks to Curtail Summer Vacation

Obama Seeks to Curtail Summer Vacation

Shared via AddThis Is this a ploy to get more face time with our children?

What's up Obama? Can't get your big government policies approved by the adults in this country, so you have to use the schools as a venue to bring about the change you want. If your motives were in the interest of the children your suggestion might warrant consideration. But you're not worried about improving education because that could be accomplished with innovation, without extending the school day. Let's face it, longer school days mean more time for Obama addresses to our children, with followup lessons to compliment the indoctrination and the final objective being the promise to serve Obama.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Crowds Throng to Washington for Historic Event

I am proud to say I was one of those million people who answered the call to advance our movement and I left more energized and ready to inspire others to keep up the fight.

in attendance would agree that the day symbolized the strength and determination of the American people to stand up and defend their country from the erosive policies coming out of the Obama Administration. It also established, if it wasn't already, an exhilaration or momentum of emotion to continue to work even harder, as we battle to sustain our liberty. Because the American people understand what is at stake, they joined forces and efforts from around the country to produce the rally of all rallies, a March that is being estimated by Washington Parks and Recreation, to have reached 1,000,000, maybe more.

I was there, I can attest to those estimates. From sheer observation, standing in front of the Capital, what was supposed to be the destination of the march, was really the beginning of a multitude of people taking up every square inch of street from The Capital, down Constitution Ave to Pennsylvania Ave, to Freedom Plaza, which is about 1.5 miles.

There is a model that was used to determine previous crowd sizes in Washington and according to that model the count on 9/12 easily reached a million.

Are we surprised that the mainstream media won't report accurate numbers? Not only won't they report accurate numbers, they continue to distort the significance of the movement and the people. They continue to invent scenarios as if they are credible accounts. I watched a guest on Sunday morning (day after Wahington March), Fox News America HQ, with host Shannon, describe the 9/12 event as another rally to create disturbance (if anyone saw the interview, please contact me with her name). This woman was probably not in Washington, but yet she will make an erroneous statement and it will be put out there as fact, when it couldn't be further from the truth. As you can see from my pictures there couldn't have been a more harmonious crowd. They gathered with families; babies, children, husbands, wives, sisters, brothers and friends and neighbors in the grandest show of support to Take Back what Lincoln said, is a government "Of the People, By the People and For the People".

Our movement will always be guided by the principles of the Founding Fathers, who knew the cost of establishing freedom and the infinite cost of protecting it. We must be guardians of this incredible gift of America that has contributed not only to its own people, but to the freedom and well being of people around the globe. We must stand beside her and and be guided by the words of our first president, George Washington, who said,
"The power under the Constitution will always be in the hands of the people. It is entrusted for certain defined purposes, and fo
r a certain limited period, to representatives of their own choosing; and whenever it is executed contrary to their interest, or not agreeable to their wishes, their servants can, and undoubtedly will, be recalled".

Friday, September 11, 2009

A Day of Remembrance

Let's never forget why people gather on September 11, every year. Most of us have an indelible image in our minds, that will never be erased. As much as Barack Obama wants to replace the meaning of the day with his self-serving agenda, we won't allow it. We will fiercely oppose him. It is our day to pay tribute, now and always, to those who died innocently, to those who bravely sacrificed, to those who persevered in the face of tragedy and to fellow Americans who stand strong in defense of our nation and its Constitution.

We must reject Obama' s immoral conception of superceding the real meaning of 9/11, with his phony dedication of a Day of Service and his audacity to force it on us on this most solemn day. What was wrong with dedicating another day to service? Nothing, except that his real motive wouldn't be accomplished, to erase the meaning of 9/11. You can't control our minds, how we think and feel or remember. Although if you get your hands on healthcare you'll have succeeded in being as close to God in making life and death decisions.

We must reject Obama and his policies, his revision of America and the significance of our history. We are our history, we are a wonderful collage of many races, ethnic groups, religions, diverse opinions and histories. Not one of us would want to relinquish any part of our identity and neither would any one of us deny any part of our shared American identity. So Mr. Obama stop manipulating history for your gain and to promote an UNPOPULAR agenda. We know you.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

John Boehner's Response to Obama's Attempt to Sell Existing Health Bill

Obama's absurd speech to sell us on the existing plan( as if we don't know what's in the House bill) is dishonest, insulting and typical of this administration. Well Mr. Obama, the American people don't buy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And thank God some of our representatives haven't bought into your lies. Bravo to Congressman Wilson, who couldn't refrain from expressing what many in the chamber and the American people were thinking. And Representative John Boehner was prompt in rebutting the crucial points that Obama is misinformed on. Obama was mistaken, it's not the American people who are misinformed.