Fellow Americans,
How do you feel about a Mega Mosque being built 2 blocks from the site of the WTC Attack? I thought you might be offended by it, as I was. I'm sure you've heard some coverage on the topic. If you're wondering what you can do to stop the desecration of the final resting place of fellow Americans, you can express your opposition to this on June 6 at 12, noon at a protest hosted by SIOA at Ground Zero. Please show up and let our numbers be the force that puts an end to this inconceivable proposal.
Here is some of the latest info on the topic (video) Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf ramps up his taqiyya rhetoric.... |
Fox News reports on plans for the Ground Zero mosque by the Cordoba Initiative. " Rauf in this new video has stepped up his taqiyya rhetoric. Rauf says, "This project is about condemning terrorism." (the outrage grows!)
More can be found at Fox News>>
Regarding the financing of the Cordoba Initiative: "... questions about the financing. [SNIP] Imam Rauf, who's also the founder of American Society for Muslim Advancement, ASMA, was an investor in that transaction. The balance of the $100-150 million total cost still needs to be raised, but Rauf says he's confident it will be. Jasser says that with such a financial commitment, there needs to be full disclosure about where the money is coming from.
"There should be transparency about who those investors are," he said, " whether that money is coming from domestic interest or not and if it's coming from foreign interests we need to know because I think that's a liability and it shows that there is another agenda rather than domestic security and tranquility."
Rauf says of their intent .... "[T]his is where we can amplify the voice of the moderates," he says. "We have been condemning terrorism since 9/11; our voices have not been heard." [SNIP] Burlingame says, "The idea that you would establish a religious institution that embraces the very Shariah Law that terrorists point to as their justification for what they did ... to build that where almost 3,000 people died, that is an obscenity to me. Burlingame said she plans to attend a meeting next week of the full Community Board One. She and other groups are ramping up their opposition to the project and promise to wage a long fight to defeat it."
Dhimmitude awaits us all if we allow these lies to go unchallenged.
MAY 25, 2010 at 6 PM - Community Board #1 will meet again...